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Stepping up on Covid-19 Measures for our Crew


With Covid-19 becoming endemic in our society, we have put in place tighter Safe Management Measures (SMM) for our bus crew and operations teams. These include:

1. Weekly testing Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) with Antigen Rapid Test (ART) Kits for all crew.

2. Encouraging all crew members and operations staff to vaccinate. Our vaccination rate is currently at 97.6%, with a further 1.5% vaccination in progress.

3. Drivers are instructed to open the door and their side of the window when there are no passengers to enable better air exchange. According to information by the air conditioner department of bus assembly plants, the average Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) on a bus, with aircon turned on, is 10-14 ACH versus in a home at 0.35 ACH and in a car at 6.6 ACH. This is because buses are designed for maximum air exchange to lower internal humidity, which would otherwise lead to mould challenges.

4. Regular reminders on maintaining personal hygiene and bus cleanliness.

5. Reminders to avoid social gatherings in the workplace to minimise infection rate.

6. Provision of better quality surgical grade masks to our crew.

7. Regular disinfecting and cleaning of buses

With regular reminders to remain vigilant and to take extra precautions, we hope to continue to keep all our riders safe and healthy.



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