Our Environmental Policy
1 December 2023
In support of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, Yeap Transport is embarking on our green journey towards reducing emissions and our overall carbon footprint. This means that we will conduct our business in a way that protects the environment as a company-wide initiative. We will strive to provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, who in turn, have a responsibility to give their best efforts to achieve this goal to minimise our impact on the environment. We are committed to doing this through our policy principles:
Demonstrate compliance of our operations with laws and regulations;
Control and reduce emissions from our vehicle fleet and transport operations;
Incorporate environmental, social and governance concerns into all of our decision-making and activities;
Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner;
Train our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work;
Promote efficient use of water and energy resources throughout our offices;
Minimise waste and identify opportunities for recycling and re-use;
Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and seek alternatives whenever feasible;
Regularly communicate our environmental program to our clients, customers, suppliers and the public and encourage their support;
Strive to continually improve our environmental performance by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in planning our current and future activities.
Our Green Procurement Policy
1 December 2023
Yeap Transport recognises that the goods and services we procure can have significant impact on the environment, the economy and social and ethical practices. The purpose of this Green Procurement Policy is to provide a purchasing structure that will reduce Yeap Transport’s negative impact on the environment and human health and promote the sustainable use of resources. We are committed to reducing these negative impacts of our procurement activities by:
Incorporating social, economic and environmental considerations into supplier and product selection, where possible;
Instituting practices that reduce waste by increasing product efficiency and effectiveness;
Purchasing products that minimize environmental impacts, toxics, pollution, and hazards to worker and community safety;
Purchasing products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their production, shipping, use and discard;
Eliminating unnecessary purchasing; and
Developing a green purchasing culture throughout our offices.
Currently purchasing decisions need to be made on the basis of environmental considerations and value for money, rather than just the cheapest upfront
purchase price. Our purchasing decisions can improve markets for environmentally preferred products, enhance environmental quality, be resource responsible and contribute to progress toward sustainability.
Yeap Transport prefers to purchase environmentally friendly products whenever they perform satisfactorily and are available at a reasonable price. Purchasing decisions shall be made in the context of the waste hierarchy to avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle.
Identifying ways of carrying out a function or task without using materials that generate waste. An example is sending information electronically instead of on paper.
Using less in the first place and avoiding waste. Examples of this include purchasing in bulk to reduce packaging and the purchase of printing equipment that prints double sided copies.
Using the same item more than once, and extending the useful life of products
and equipment before replacing an item. Aim to reuse or repair an existing product. Ensure that new purchases are durable, have a long service life and are easy to maintain and upgrade.
Purchasing products that contain recycled materials or those that have or can be remanufactured or recycled.
Yeap Transport will minimise greenhouse gas emissions, habitat destruction, toxicity, soil degradation and maximize water efficiency by purchasing:
Energy efficient and water-saving products and materials by checking that the energy and water-saving rating and efficiency features are the best available for the cost over the lifetime of the product;
Renewable energy and reduce the purchase of fossil fuels where it is economically feasible;
Goods that are produced locally in preference to those that have high kilometers associated with them;
Paper and wood products obtained from post-consumer recycled, plantation salvaged or renewable sources or that bear green certification (eg. Singapore Green Label, FSC, PEFC, etc);
Green cleaning products that utilize toxic chemicals or that bear green certification (eg. Singapore Green Label, FSC, PEFC, etc);
Materials and products that are free of toxic or polluting materials or that bear green certification (eg. Singapore Green Label, FSC, PEFC, etc);
Products and materials that will not release toxic substances that can affect human health and pollute water, land or air at any stage of their life cycle;
Products that conserve water or use water in an efficient way;
Products, materials and services that will not degrade or pollute the soil, or result in environmental degradation through their use.
To achieve the above objectives, Yeap Transport will:
Establish a staff education program to raise awareness about this policy;
Ensure that all staff, where appropriate have access to information on environmentally preferred products;
Require that all contractors, vendors and service-providers are aware of the current purchasing policy and green purchasing options and work with
our company to meet the objectives of the Green Procurement Policy within their contracts
Actively promote environmental purchasing to the community;
Encourage staff to find and share information about recycled and environmentally preferable products and specifications; and
Encourage innovativeness among staff for environmental purchasing.